shower door sweep size

Quick Learner from International Falls MN
Sep 5, 2010 1:44 pm
the 10-318 appears to be the sweep I need, BUT I need it to be one (1)inch high. Is that available??
6 Replies

Paul from SWISCO
Sep 7, 2010 10:40 am

The 10-318 is not available in a one inch height, but take a look at the similar 10-321 sweep which does feature a one inch height.

Home Owner from Portland, OR
Apr 6, 2011 6:59 pm
The 10-321 sweep appears to be exactly what I need, except the 3/16" T at the top may be slightly wider than the one I want to replace. My present sweep appears to be 1/8" in width at the top of the T. Do you think the 10-321 will work for me?

Dave Sr. from SWISCO
Apr 7, 2011 8:55 am

My initial thought was that since it's only 1/16" in difference, it shouldn't be a problem - however it could possibly give you some trouble. You won't be able to determine whether it will work unless you actually try it out. You may want to try to cut some type of material 1/8" wide and try it in the sweep channel. But like I said, you won't know for sure unless you try it out with your application.

Handy Person from Baton Rouge, LA
Jun 7, 2011 10:43 am
I need a sweep which has a T at the top which is 5/16" across by about and inch in height-any suggestions?

Tom from SWISCO
Jun 7, 2011 11:03 am

The 10-321 Shower Sweep appears to be the closest one we have to your dimensions. If you're uncertain about using the 10-321 as a replacement, upload a few photos of your sweep so we can take a look.
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