similar to the Pella Screen Door Flush Bolt Keeper Item 40-022

Quick Learner from united states
Aug 27, 2020 10:18 am
I don't have a photo of the part because it fell apart when I removed it. It is the same size and design as the 40-022 except the rim on one side is not as wide as it butts up to the head frame and it is white. I've attached photos of the hole in the frame head and that for the sill. Both holes are directly inline with each other.
Thanks for any help. Worst case I will just buy another 40-022 and trim the rim to fit.
Head Plug
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1 Replies
Bob from SWISCO
Aug 31, 2020 3:34 pm

I do think our 40-022 is our closest match I'm afraid. If you think you can adapt it to your door, great; otherwise, you might need to contact Pella for assistance. 

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