sliding door tendem roller

Quick Learner from Valcourt, Quebec, Canada
I have a P.E. Del Mar part number for the Tendem rollers I need , but I can't order from them since I'm located in Canada . I was wondering if Swisco could help me out with this situation. The P.E. Del Mar part# is 4240 and 4266 they are the same but with different part #.I would need 4 tendem roller, price and delay.


User submitted picture of del mar roller 4240 4266.
3 Replies
Dave Sr.
Dave Sr. from SWISCO
Thanks for posting, Jonathan! Could you give us the dimensions of this roller? That will help us identify the best possible replacement for you. Make special note of the width and height of the casing, and the wheel diameter.
Tom from SWISCO
Jonathan, I would start by taking a look at the 81-051 Arcadia Roller and the 81-052 Sliding Door Tandem Assembly.

Do you think either of these would work as a replacement?
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