sliding glass door replacement rollers

Handy Person from Arizona
I recently bought a 5 year old condo. Sliding glass door does not slide well. Tried adjusting rollers but nothing worked. I didn't even appear the rollers were raising or lowering the door when I "adjusted" it with screw driver.
I do not know if the door ever worked well.

I can not find a manufacturers name on door. I am willing to buy and replace the rollers but need your advice.

My rollers most closely match the 81-030 as it has 1/25 inch wheels. But it also says it is for an Acorn door. If this is an Acorn door I would think it would someplace display the name, Acorn.

The 81-095 is very similar but has slightly larger wheel of 1.50 inch. I am thinking the bigger wheel is the way to go considering the 1.25 inch wheels are not doing the job.

Considering The existing wheels do not do the job very well, should I buy the 81-095 with the slightly larger wheels?

Although both the 81-030 and the 095 are similar neither one is an exact match. My wheel assembly does not have that "bridge" with the screw hole at the top. See photos.


A customer submitted photo of a sliding glass door roller.
4 Replies
Dave Sr.
Dave Sr. from SWISCO
Thanks for posting, Jack! First, I would check to see if the housing dimensions for these two rollers are the same as yours; height and width especially. As for the wheel, I would keep the same size as you have now. Reason being, you might not be able to clear the track when reinstalling the door. If you believe you have the room you can try, but I wouldn't recommend it. Also, when adjusting the rollers, try to take the weight of the door off of the rollers with a chisel or pry bar. If you take the weight off, the rollers should adjust fairly easily.
Handy Person from Arizona
Thank you for the info,

Dave. I've decided to clean everything and reinstall to see if that helps. That and your helpful hint to take the weight off the wheels.

Question: What position should the adjusting nut be in when I put the door back in? With the screw as far into the nut as it will go or just get it started? It is difficult for me to tell because it appears the screw and nut will not do its job (raise or lower the door) until there is weight on it.

I want it to be positioned in the best possible way to get started.

Thank you,
Dave Sr.
Dave Sr. from SWISCO
You want the wheel up into the housing and not sticking out of the housing too far, or else the door might not clear the bottom track when you go to reinstall it. Just give the adjustment screw a few turns so that it gets a good bite on the nut.
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