spring balences, need to identify

Home Owner from Cottonwood, Arizona
A week ago,I sent a request for identificarion of some replacement spring balences similar to your series 390 channel balences but stamped "27 C B.S.I." with the "B.S.I." part turned sideways. These 28 inch balences are for two ALENCO windows that I am anxious to repair and be able to open on these now very warm evenings. I would very much like to hear form you and to know if I need to special order balences (and how much that would cost) or can I just use the standard 28" series 390's. Thank you.

4 Replies
Tom from SWISCO
Oliver, upload a few quick photos of your channel balance attachments so we can take a look. Be sure to include any other markings you may find on the balances.
Home Owner from Cottonwood, AZ
Mike, here are some photos of my 28" channel spring balences. I need four of these, if possible. Thanks.

User submitted photo of channel balance.
Paul from SWISCO
Good morning, Oliver.

Take a look at the Swisco S390-28 Channel Balance, it appears to be a good match. Your stamp option would be 2730.
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