steelcase drawer rollers & "rivets"
Home Owner from Halifax,Pa.
Apr 10, 2016 1:50 pm
Hello,I'm in need of several nylon rollers & retainers for my Steelcase desk. Rollers are 3/4" o.d.,5/16" wide,approx. 1/4"dia. thru. It has a 1/2"dia.x 3/32" deep counter bore on one side & an o-ring groove that is off center. Thanks!! Joe
2 Replies
Tom from SWISCO
Apr 11, 2016 2:02 pm
Hey, Joe. I would be happy to help. Please show us a couple pictures of the hardware in question and we can try to find the best possible match. In the meantime, you can look through our drawer and cabinet replacement hardware section and see if you can find a match here.