storm door glass/screen retainer glazing clip

Landlord from skokie IL
i am unable to find any markings or labels identifying the mfg

User submitted a photo of a glazing bead.
2 Replies
Dave Sr.
Dave Sr. from SWISCO
I'm afraid we don't have an exact match for this strip. These aren't made that much anymore. That said, I think you can substitute it by using our 70-180 clip and 33-090 screw. The 70-180 would need to be secured on the face of the door with the 33-020. The end leg of the clip has a 1/2" reach and should press up against the screen or glass panel in the door holding it in place. I would suggest installing four or five on each side and maybe two at the top.

Alternatively, you can cut the current strip you have down into clips of your own, it should work just the same. There's no need for it to be one long continuous strip.
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