storm door handle replacement

Home Owner from Baltimore, MD
We have a forever storm door # 4653852. We are looking for a replacement handle.
4 Replies
Paul from SWISCO
Take a look at the Forever storm door hardware on If you do not see your lock send us a picture of your current lock.
Home Owner from Baltimore, MD
Thank you for getting back to me.

The door thickness is 1 1/4". Installation hole centers is 3 5/8".

Attached are photos of the door handle.
Customer image of their forever storm door handle.
Dave Sr.
Dave Sr. from SWISCO
Looks like you need our 40-150 (it only comes in white). Looks the spring on your handle is worn out, making the outside handle hang. Take note from our experience in replacing the inside 40-150, you will practically have to take your existing handle apart to remove the spindle bar.
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