How do you adjust the 84-139 Norco wheel assembly?

Quick Learner from truro mass
I'm getting ready to install. I pushed the wheel on the new assembly up into the plastic housing- now I can't get it to come back down. How do you get it down?
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8 Replies
Dave Sr.
Dave Sr. from SWISCO

Thanks for reaching out to us! Look toward the side back end of the roller housing. You will see that there is a slotted adjustment screw. When you turn this screw, it should bring the wheel to the correct height you need.

Quick Learner from truro mass
Thanks. Actually, I got it down. If you take a slim knife or screwdriver and slip it between the plastic and the wheel holder, it releases little edges that hold the wheel up inside the plastic. The adjustment screw you're referring to just makes small height adjustments. With all the great comments you guys have posted, I successfully pulled out all the old assemblies and installed new ones without a hitch. Only reason that wheel locks up into the plastic (that I can figure) is to help you move the doors without the wheels in the way. Just ordered 16 of these buggers- re-doing all the 25 year old no-longer-built Norco sliding screens. Thank you!
Dave Sr.
Dave Sr. from SWISCO

Awesome, I'm glad to hear that it worked out for you! We appreciate your analysis, too. I'm sure this will help other customers in the future who are in a similar situation.

Handy Person from Forest Lake Mn
I also had an issue with the wheel locking in a top position. Only way to release it is slide thin blades up the sides. The screw adjusters do not turn outside of the door. Also when I install these and the wheel locks up again, do i need to release the wheel with two blades up the sides again. What activates so the adjuster screw works? They are locked and do not turn.

Dave Sr.
Dave Sr. from SWISCO

What you need to do is to turn the adjustment screw counterclockwise (to the left) to have the wheel come down. When you turn it clockwise (to the right) it will go back up and clip in place. I recommend you hold the door up when adjusting the screw to take the weight off of it.

Quick Learner from Auburn CA
I agree with other postings. The advice from Dave Sr. Does not address the problem you are describing. The advice to slide thr thin tool up the side is perfect. Overall, the Norco design is terrible. The raise on lower mechanism is cheap and breaks easily.
Dave Sr.
Dave Sr. from SWISCO

I apologize for the misunderstanding on the Norco roller. You are correct to slide something like a thin "blade" up the side of the housing to bring down the wheel. Also, it might be possible to remove the roller from the door by pushing up a small thin blade in the seam at the back of the roller to release the nylon clip. Apologies again! 

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