trying to install binfold pivot pin

Quick Learner from minneapolis
May 23, 2010 5:52 pm
my closet has sliding doors an i need to know how to install the 81-072 pivot pin at the top.
2 Replies

Paul from SWISCO
May 26, 2010 6:22 am

You first remove the door by loosening the bottom pivot pin. With the door removed, slip the guide pin with spring through the top of the door. Now lock the pin by slipping the palnut on just a 1/2 inch to keep it from slipping off. Now reinstall door by first putting it on the pivot and then slipping in all the guide pins on the track. Now you just have to adjust the door at the pivot and anytime when the door slides properly. Feel free to send us pictures if you get stuck at any point.
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