weather stripping for old Stanley Awning Windows

Handy Person from Venice Florida
I am looking to weather strip my old Stanley Awning windows - they are probably from the mid to late 60's. I know the windows aren't energy efficient, but I can't afford now windows for the entire house so would like to make them as efficient as possible til then. The weather stripping is old, hard and has shrunken lengthwise so there are 5 inch areas where there is no longer stripping.

This is a circle with a T... Photo attached.

The top of the T is 6/32... the bridge between the T top and the circle is 1/32 inch tho i imagine that has shrunken a bit so I'll bet 2/32 may work too.... the circumference of the circle when I unmash it because they are all badly mashed, is 9/32..... if I mash the circle and lay it flat the measurement is 13/32.
A customer submitted photo of weatherstripping.
3 Replies
Paul from SWISCO
Thanks for posting! Please take a look at our 58-135, Bubble Seal. Do you think this might work for you? Please let me know!
Handy Person
I will order this and try it. Thanks
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