Could you add the width dimension too? My windows need one that's 5/8" front to back. Although there is a little overhang past the barbed end. With out that it is 1/2" from the bubble to the barb.
Thank you!
The angle is 86 degrees give or take 3 degrees.
Happy Holidays to all at Swisco, if you can help me... lol just kidding. I googled windows and doors and scrolled down and and pick you guys and like what I saw on your site versus other sites.
Ok heres my situation, I saw you have bubble seal with 9/32 base and 1/4 seat, mine however is more like a 1/2 to 9/16 base and 1/4 seat and the bubble sits inside forming a channel versus sitting on the edge like your bubble seal???? I can try to send a picture and or scetch but it seems pretty clean cut as to how close your seal is to what I need. My windows are 18 yrs. old New Yorker casement bow window 8'x 4' with two center crank outs.
I also need a 1" threshold extention for a Stanley entry door 36"x80" I didd find weather stripping form your site that will order from as needed. I can send a scetch with some dimentions for the threshold. I hope I can do this this evning and if not I can fax them to you if you would like.
Thank you for your time. RE: Robert Delmenico
First, I don't think your bubble should be facing downward. If it is on the window stop it should be facing towards the window, not away from it.
As for the sill extension, I'm afraid that we do not carry what you will need. I would check with a home center of lumber yard that sells Stanley Doors and see if what you need is available.