window balance

Thanks for writing in! Your channel balances are the S795-24 with a 15-194 1" T-Lock Balance Shoe. Although, since it is stamped with a 24F, this will need to be a custom assembly.
Before I can confirm pricing and availability for these balances, I'll need to confirm a few details. To start, does your balance screw in at the top of the window or does it hook into the installation hole? If it is a hook, I'll need to know the shape of the installation hole.
I'll also need to know the exact number of balances you intend to purchase. There is an order minimum of (2) balances per custom assembly.
Please let me know if you have any questions in the meantime.

Thanks for confirming this information. I've forwarded a link with a quote for (2) of the requested S795-24 channel balances. The 15-194 T-Lock will be sold separately from the assembly which will come with a 15-195 T-Lock Shoe installed.
Once you've added the balances to the cart, you'll need to remember to add the shoes to complete the order.
Take a look at the video tutorial below for instructions on how to swap the shoes out.