Is the SASH WEIGHT RANGE the weight of the window? I ask because the channel balances I've replaced all said 32C but the balance shoe keeps breaking (wish they weren't plastic). My window is heavier than the range of the 32C (if that's what the weight range means). Should I be ordering a different option?
Thanks for your help...
window channel balance
Quick Learner
Feb 25, 2018 10:02 am
2 Replies
Casey from SWISCO
Feb 26, 2018 11:03 am
Great question. To answer your question in one word, yes. The "sash weight range" does in fact mean the weight of your window sash. In order to determine the weight, you will need to remove the sash and weigh it on a scale. From there refer to the chart on the channel balance product page where you can correspond the weight number with the stamped options. Let us know if you will need a balance with a stronger spring.
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