window channel balance

Home Owner from Idaho
I need to replace the channel balance in a non-tilt window. It matches the description of your part S380-14 except it is stamped as follows: 14 3 KR CALDWELL

Can you advise whether S380-14 is the correct replacement part?

Thank you.
5 Replies
Tom from SWISCO
If your stamp is 14 3, then I think you might want to recheck the length of your metal channel. It should measure 15" long. Take another look and let me know!
Home Owner from Idaho
You're right -- the length of the metal part is in fact 15"
Home Owner from Idaho
Since the correct measurement is 15", I think I need part S385-15 with the shoe that measures 1-3/32".

My channel balance is stamped 14 3 KR CALDWELL -- does that indicate that I need the 1430 option?

Thanks again for your help!
Tom from SWISCO
Not a problem! Yes, usually a stamp of 14 3 corresponds to our 1430 option. It wouldn't be a bad idea to weigh your sash and compare it to the 1430 strength just in case, though.
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