Broken window latch

Quick Learner from springfield mo
I'm including 2 pictures of the window latch, notice one handle is broken, please let me know if have this available and price. Thank You
User submitted photo of their broken window latch handle.
9 Replies
Tom from SWISCO
Good Afternoon,

Thanks for submitting images. Do you know what brand window these handle latches are on? I see the letter 'R' on the handle in the picture. Is there anything else stamped on these handles?

Also, what is the distance between the two installation screws?
Quick Learner from springfield mow
No nothing on the window, I did however find what I think is the right window operator and it is 39-001 Getty with a 9 inch arm. I've looked all over the frames and windows and can't find a manufacture any where.

The holes measure 2 3/8" center to center on the latch
Quick Learner from springfield mo
Having any luck yet?
Tom from SWISCO
We are currently researching possible replacement handles and will post an update as soon as more information becomes available.
Quick Learner from springfield mo
Thank you, Hope you can find one,I'll be waiting. Please let me know one way or the other as I still want to order the operator and would like to order both at the same time if I can...William
Quick Learner from springfield mo
Mike: I'm still waiting to hear from you to see if you found that latch that I sent you pictures of. Please let me know if you're going to be able to hook me up, thanks
Tom from SWISCO
William, we're still working on this one. I will post an update as soon as the product is available and online for you to view
Casey from SWISCO
This is the closest handle we could find, check out SWISCO's new product code 38-005, Locking Handle.
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