2640w channel balance

Quick Learner from florida
hello,in my part it said 2640w, but in your website I cannot find the same reference.
What part do you think I need?
thank you.
3 user uploaded images
8 Replies
Tom from SWISCO

Hey, Gianpiero! This looks like an S380-27 channel balance. Can you quickly confirm that the metal channel measures 27" and that you have the bottom "shoe" attachment shown below?

Alternate view of 15-005
Alternate view of 15-005
Quick Learner from Florida
The measurements are very close, but my shoes looks less rounded than yours mine looks much sharper.
Tom from SWISCO

The shape is irrelevant. Focus on the depth. What's the exact depth of your shoe? Small differences matter, so I cannot accurately read the tape measure in your photo.

Quick Learner from florida
Hi Ben,
The plastic around the windows are also cracked, can you tell me if that can be replaced? And if you have it in stock and video of how to replace it?
Thank you
Tom from SWISCO

That can be replaced, but you need to remove a section and show it to us end-on, like the angle in the drawing below:

Example illustration of a cross section.
Example illustration of a cross section.
Quick Learner from Florida
Hi Ben, I cannot romove a section of it because it is very old and dry and would crack..
Looks like a rectangular shape empty on the inside.
I would try to add another picture.
Tom from SWISCO

I'm afraid it's impossible to identify weatherstripping while it's still installed. There are many, many types of weatherstripping that have similar shapes with only subtle differences. Seeing the end profile is vital. The only other thing I can suggest is to look over our complete selection here.

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