2690R 34 Balances

Handy Person from Los Gatos, CA
I am looking for sash balances. What I need is a 2690R 34

Do you have these and if so how much are they? I am looking for 6 of them.

4 Replies
Tom from SWISCO
Thanks for posting, Rick. Is this a channel balance? If so, I cannot identify your Series based on the stamp alone. I recommend that you check out our Channel Balance Home Page and follow the steps shown in order to find the Series that best matches your own.
Handy Person from Los Gatos
Okay I see I need a Non tilt, 27 inch 1/2 channel Balance. However from the pictures I can not tell the difference after looking at the pics. It is a series 380 or 385. the top 19-005 is correct. I can NOT tell the difference from a 15-004 or a 15-005 shoe. Please explain the difference. Thanks, Rick
Tom from SWISCO
Hey, Rick. Have you carefully examined the dimensions of these two shoes? Check them out below and let me know which is closer.
Comparison of 15-004 and 15-005
Comparison of 15-004 and 15-005
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