Thank you for your suggestions!! After watching that video I realized with that one channel balance sitting loose I would be able to remove the window without the takeout clips. It came out of the bottom attachment so I put it back in there (after some tweaking with pliers) and temporarily held them in place with some small S hooks I had sitting on my desk (which is actually next to the window). I was able to get the window back in place and it works again. I know this was a quick fix but will be ordering those clips to replace on all the single hung windows. Are these clips universal so they will fit these windows?
Thanks, it was just sheer luck I had them sitting right there and they worked. I know I need the real clips for easier cleaning of windows, etc.
Do you have any info on the dimensions from the top of the clip to the top inside portion of the lower curve? This would tell me if it would fit into the 2 slots in the window frame. I measured it with my caliper and it is 1.07" basically an inch.
Certainly! I took out my own calipers and got .901". Do you think you can get it to work?
Thank you SO MUCH! I have the exact same Atrium windows with the exact same problem (the channel balance fell out on one side) AND the takeout clips were missing on my wondows too! I used a couple of small screws to replace the missing takeout clips and was able to reset the channel balance. And I didn't even break the window! Lol! Thanks so much. Your a lifesaver. :)
That's great news. I'm so glad we were able to help! If you need anything else, please let me know.
Perfect, thank you - I wasn't visualizing it well till i watched your video. The balance sash keeps popping out of the takeout clips. These Atrium windows are sliding piles of junk.