Broken Window balance and clip

Handy Person from Portland, OR
Hi Swisco! I'm a renter, but I also moonlight as a handyman. This window balance keeps falling out of my single-hung window when I lift it, and when I close the window again, I hear a big "CLUNGGK" as if it somehow snapped into place and the spring is reverberating. Sometimes it stays in the window channel, but this often causes a *lot* of resistance when opening/closing. I looked hard for stickers and markings, and the only brand identifier is the word "insulate" on the latch. The balance is marked with "21 4 OE" and "BSI" as you can see in the attachment.

I attempted to disassemble the window and remove the balance, but the clip/small plastic part that's supposed to hold the spring-loaded balance is gone (see yellow arrow pointing to empty hole). The last time I tried to take it out, the thing nearly took out my eye. Not sure what the root cause of the problem is, but I think the balance is either dirty/needs WD40, or too old to function properly. Either way, might you be able to point me to the right replacement clip and/or advise on the malfunctioning balance?

Many thanks!
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2 Replies
Bob from SWISCO

Hello there. It certainly sounds like the channel balance may need to be replaced. One curious point here--it appears the balance is upside down in this window sash! That fitting that's exposed, the 19-005, should be pointed towards the top, while the shoe, the other fitting, should be on bottom (hence, the shoe). So this could certainly be the issue, if this is how you found the balance! See the videos on this page that detail balance replacement and identification. We will need to see the shoe clearly to identify this balance for you. If you need new Take-Out Clips, see the 16-002. If you need Top Sash Guides, the nylon blocks in the corner of the sash, please remove one from an identical window in the house and show us pictures.

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