Broken channel

Home Owner from Westlake,La
Please advise me on what parts I need. Thank you
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6 Replies
Bob from SWISCO

Hello there. It looks like you might need an S795-21 Channel Balance, stamped 21E. It's tough to tell from your photos, but you might need the 15-195B T-Lock Shoe with the 'open cam', sold separately. It's easy enough to swap this out with the T-Lock Shoe that comes by default with this balance (the 15-195 'closed cam' shoe). See the guides below for an explanation. Also make sure your balance attaches to the top of the window track with a screw clip, rather than a hook. Let me know if the latter is the case. 

Home Owner from Westlake,La
First off, thank you for your expert help. After further examination, I believe I have a balance with a closed cam, and a hook in a square hole, at the top. If I understand correctly, I would need to convert to the screw plug, in order for the new795 channel balance to work. Is this correct? Thanks again.
5 user uploaded images
Bob from SWISCO

Yes! You can pop our 26-200 screw plug in that hole to allow our Series 795 to screw in place. The video below will go into more information. Otherwise, I'm very confident that this hardware will work for you.

Home Owner from Westlake,La
Thank you Bob, I really appreciate your expert advise!
Bob from SWISCO

Anytime! Best of luck on this project and please reach out if you had any follow up questions. We're always here to help.

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