Broken coil balance on my tilt out vinyl window

Quick Learner from Wallingford, CT
Jul 22, 2023 7:29 pm
Each side has half inch coil balancers. One has number 6, one has the number 5. I need 2 number 6. Or anything compatible to make the window go up and down again. The shoe measures 1 and half inch height, half inch width, an inch and a quarter length.
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1 Replies
Bob from SWISCO
Jul 23, 2023 3:10 am

Thanks for posting. This looks like a Series 140 Coil Balance assembly. Unlike many of other other coil balance systems, the Series 140 is sold as whole systems, rather than as modular pieces sold separately. Because of this, I'm afraid you're better off replacing the assemblies on both sides of the window outright. See our S140-11. I believe this should do the job. 

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