Window # is D326 89 Y27B2
# on one of the crank arms was 177D
This is a rental apartment and I don't have the skill to take these out/apart.
But would like to know if you might be able to ID the crank handle and arms so i can replace them.
thank you.

Friend from Jersey City, NJ
Aug 19, 2021 2:08 pm
5 user uploaded images
3 Replies

Friend from Jersey City, NJ
Aug 19, 2021 2:10 pm
Additionally, a name on the arm is Entry Guard (Truth)

Emily from SWISCO
Aug 24, 2021 11:53 am

Hey, Tom.
Thank you for your patience during our busy season. Start by taking a look at the following two sets of operators: our 39-031 & 39-032 or 39-155 & 39-156. Carefully look over the dimensions for each set and see which ones match up for what you need.
If you need a handle as well, please see our 39-114L or 39-205, depending on the style you prefer. For a new cover, see our 39-107.
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