Hi, I have a 26" Caldwell window balance I need to replace. I got a little confused since it looks like there are two different series balances you offer that match my balance and then multiple stamp options as well that don't seem to match the stamps on my balance. Can you please help me out? See images
Thanks Joel
4 Replies
Tom from SWISCO
Jan 24, 2013 2:38 pm
Thanks for posting! Before I can offer an applicable replacement for this channel balance, I just need to know a bit more information about the bottom attachment. Please take a look at our 15-004 and 15-005 channel balance shoes, and note their depths. As you can see, they are 1-3/32" deep and 1" deep, respectively. Which one more closely matches your own bottom attachment?
Quick Learner
Jan 24, 2013 5:38 pm
it is 1 3/32"
Tom from SWISCO
Jan 25, 2013 8:52 am
Great! Sounds like you've got a 15-004 there. In that case, I think that our S385-26 should interest you. I also recommend the 2530 option.
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