Can't find exact match for my roller

Quick Learner from Miami, FL
I am trying to identify this part, I can't find an exact match on your website. The measurements are:
Height: 1 9/16"
Lenght: (main case only): 2 1/8"
Widht: 11/16"
the wheel seems to be 1 1/2 in diameter.

Thanks for your help!

User submitted photos of a patio door roller.
4 Replies
Dave Sr.
Dave Sr. from SWISCO
Thanks for posting. I couldn't find anything exact either, but our 81-020 appears pretty close. Double check your dimensions and carefully compare them to this roller to see how it would work.
Quick Learner from Miami, FL
Dave, thanks for the response.

81-020 is too short, it measures 1 1/2" high while the sample is 1 9/16". I imagine that the height is the most important measure and that the length is not that important and I could use a smaller one, is that correct?

Also does the diameter of the wheel matters? Can I go with a smaller wheel?
Dave Sr.
Dave Sr. from SWISCO
The height is important, but we don't have anything else closer than our 81-020. That may be your best bet.

Wheel diameter can be important, but if the difference isn't too much you may be able to adjust it to compensate for the difference.
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