Need 40 year old Casement Window Operator

Handy Person from Masonville, Colorado
I'm looking for a replacement casement window operator for a house that is 40 years old. The old mechanism has no manufacturer's label or mark of any kind, neither does the window. A major problem is that the operator arm is 11" from pivot point to center of wheel and I don't find an 11" arm anywhere. I'm attaching a picture of the part in the hope that someone might be able to identify it.
Thanks, Robert
A user submited photo of window casement operator
4 Replies
Dave Sr.
Dave Sr. from SWISCO
Thanks for contacting us, Robert. I've actually never seen this type of operator with an 11" arm before. Can you confirm that it's 11"? Our 39-014 Casement Window Operator has a 13-1/2" arm length--do you think that might be it? Make sure to measure your own arm exactly as shown in the product image on our site.

If it is, indeed, 11", then your best bet may be to use our 39-028 operator with a 9-1/2" arm. However, that might require you to reposition the track that the roller slides into.
Handy Person from Masonville, Colorado
Dave, thanks for your response. I guarantee you that it's not 13-1/2 inches. But I can understand your skepticism, I took it to several local hardware and window dealers and they had trouble believing it even when the part was right in front of them. The hardware people all said I had no hope of finding a replacement. The window dealers all insisted I had to install a new window.

I think your suggestion of a 9-1/2" operator as a substitute is a good idea, and a lot cheaper than replacing the window. Moving the track would not be a problem. Thanks a lot for your time, I appreciate it very much.

Dave Sr.
Dave Sr. from SWISCO
Of course, Robert, I was happy to help. Let me know if you have any further questions!
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