Channel Balance Part recommendation

Home Owner from cupertino, ca
I am writing to figure out what channel guide do I need to buy for the following milgard windows

h-c40-54x90, 5220/5270
channel guide seems 1/2" wide and only has the following markings on it

I measured it and it seems to be about 21" long.

What should i go with?
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4 Replies
Emily from SWISCO


We'd be happy to help but we'll need you to remove an undamaged balance with the end attachments intact to compare to our inventory. Check out the video below, it'll explain exactly what we need to see.

Home Owner from cupertino, ca
More photos of the actual channel. Lookign at the video now.
4 user uploaded images
Emily from SWISCO

Thanks for the additional pictures!

With this combination of attachments, you could have either an S380-21 or S385-21 channel balance. You’ll need to measure as shown below. The Series 380 has a 1" bottom attachment, and the Series 385 has a 1-3/32" attachment. You'll also need to remove and weigh your sash to choose the appropriate spring strength option. There's a chart on the S380 and S385's product page that shows you which option you'll need based on the weight of your sash.

If you have any further questions just let us know. 

Comparison of the S378, S380 and S385 balance shoes.
Comparison of the S378, S380 and S385 balance shoes.
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