Hello and thank you for your help. The channel balance on the left side of the bathroom window has an issue. It appears part of the bottom clip has broken off. Also I've attached a photo of the clip inside the window frame, it seems that one of them is missing.
My house is on the market, so it is kind of is a time sensitive matter. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Channel Balance, part of the bottom piece broke off.

Handy Person from Temecula Ca
Jun 30, 2021 1:03 am
5 user uploaded images
2 Replies

Tom from SWISCO
Jul 7, 2021 10:03 am

Thanks for your photos. Based on what I see here, you have either our Series 380 or Series 385, depending on the depth of the bottom shoe. That's the only difference between them. I recommend measuring your shoe and referring to our dimensions to confirm the best match.
As for the clip, that would be our 16-002.

Comparison of the S378, S380 and S385 balance shoes.
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