Channel end caps

Home Owner from Tennessee
May 25, 2023 5:09 pm

We need the channel caps for the top of our window channel balances. You have already sent us the channels and they are fine. But we need the caps for the top of the channels. We don't want to return the channels they are fine. The item number,for the previous number is S371-23, 23" option 2220. Please help us match the caps for the channel rail. We need eight if you are able to find them.



DSC03214 DSC03215
2 user uploaded images
1 Replies
Jasmine from SWISCO
May 26, 2023 11:03 am

Thanks for posting! The Series 371 channel balances would not be the correct balances to replace the ones you have pictured here, unfortunately. The shoe has a 1" depth, so it will likely not fit in the window properly.

The attachment you are searching for is the 19-001 Crossly channel balance top, which comes assembled on the Series 700 Channel balance along with the 15-008 Crossly channel balance shoe, which has a 3/4" depth and a 1-3/8" width (see below).

This means you would need the S700-23 with the 2220 stamp for a window weighing 8 to 12lbs.

Detail of 15-008
Detail of 15-008

If you would prefer to keep the balances you have already purchased and changing out the shoes, that is a possibility. However, it would require removing the rivets to remove the top and bottom attachments. And then you'll need to attach the correct shoe and top.

In my opinion, it would be easier to return the incorrect balances and purchase the balances that are already assembled with the top and bottom needed for your balances.

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