Choosing the correct channel balance

Quick Learner from Georgetown, Ontario, Canada
Hi - hope you can help.

Need channel balances and didn't realize there are so many choices!

Can you have a look at the attached picture with specifications and help identify the part I need? Incidentally 16D is stamped on my channel balance (might help)

Thanks for your help, Steve
User submitted photos of a window balance.
7 Replies
Tom from SWISCO
Thanks for posting, Steve. There are a lot of choices, but don't worry: it's a simple matter of matching up three key attributes.

The first, and most important, is matching up your top and bottom nylon attachments. Now, just by eyeballing your balance, I'd say that you have the 19-002 top attachment and the 15-001 bottom shoe. Do these look about right? Compare their dimensions to what they have--especially the depth of the 15-001, which is 1-1/8"--and let me know. If they match, then you may have a balance in our Series 390 selection.

The next step is the easiest--your length. You just need to measure the length of the metal channel. Make sure not to measure the nylon attachments in this measurement, just the channel. Based on your stamp, I think that your length will be 17", but double check just to make sure. If so, then look at our S390-17.

Finally, your option. The option determines what the strength of your balances are, and is often determined by the stamp. Your stamp reads 16D, which often corresponds to our 1640 option. However, you may want to weigh your window sash and compare it to the weight range shown for the 1640 on the S390-17's product page to ensure that it is what you need. If your balance is too strong, your window will be hard to close. If it's too weak, your window may not be able to open at all!

Let me know if you have any other questions.
Quick Learner from Georgetown, Ontario
Thanks Tom, I appreciate your effort here, great detail!

* I'd say that you have the 19-002 top attachment...
(very close, spot on with the 1 1/4", the 1/2" dimensions are very slightly smaller on mine i.e.1/32 smaller)

* and the 15-001 bottom shoe. Do these look about right? Compare their dimensions to what they have--especially the depth of the 15-001, which is 1-1/8"--and let me know...
(probably close enough but mine is 1-3/32, 1/2" is right, 1" is actually 15/16" on mine)

* The next step is the easiest--your length. You just need to measure the length of the metal channel. Make sure not to measure the nylon attachments in this measurement, just the channel. Based on your stamp, I think that your length will be 17", but double check just to make sure. If so, then look at our S390-17.
(Checked again and this is 17")

Finally, your option. The option determines what the strength of your balances are, and is often determined by the stamp. Your stamp reads 16D, which often corresponds to our 1640 option. However, you may want to weigh your window sash and compare it to the weight range shown for the 1640 on the S390-17's product page to ensure that it is what you need. If your balance is too strong, your window will be hard to close. If it's too weak, your window may not be able to open at all!

(I think here I'll have to go with the stamp info as I don't have a scale handy)

Please advise, thanks, Steve
Tom from SWISCO
Thanks for getting back to us, Steve. Everything looks to be about right! I do think that weighing your sash would be a good idea, though. You never know if the person who installed the old balances used the right hardware for the job, and it's better to be safe than to be sorry.
Quick Learner from Georgetown Ontario
Right, thanks Tom

The window weighs 18.2 lbs

Thanks Steve
Tom from SWISCO
Great! Looks like that fits comfortably into the 1640 weight range, which is 14 through 19 pounds.
Quick Learner
Thanks for all of your help Tom!

All the best, Steve
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