Commercial door hinge

Handy Person from FL
Hello I am trying to find out what the appropriate replacement for my commercial door is. I would love to provide the brand of the door, but I am not sure what brand it is, or where the brand sticker or model would be located.

This is a standard commercial door, that occasionally gets stuck before it closes completely. When the door is open I can lift the door up and down an inch or two easily (which I don't think is supposed to happen?). When I do that the door closes fine for a couple of days, until eventually after some use again it seems to drop again.

When I lifted the door up, I noticed there was rust/brown like powder material coming out of the bottom hinge (pictured). I am not sure if the hinge is completely rusted and disintegrated or if it was just dirt.

If you could please tell me what if any other information you may need to order a replacement, I would appreciate it.

The door opens outward and has the hinges on the left - but please confirm this because I am not sure if you determine the orientation of the hinge from the inside towards out, or outside towards in.

User submitted photos of commercial door hardware.
7 Replies
Dave Sr.
Dave Sr. from SWISCO
Hey, JP. How about our 79-128? This appears similar. Could you use this as a replacement hinge?
Quick Learner
Hey Dave thanks for the response. Can you confirm I need a right not a left? Like I said initially I am not sure how you determine it - either from the inside or the outside.

Also do you offer it in dark bronze or black like the one I currently have?

How can I confirm this will work? Is there a particular measurement or thing to look at prior to ordering it?
Tom from SWISCO
Thanks for getting back to us. "Left" and "Right" handed hardware is actually defined differently from manufacturer to manufacturer. Some companies define it by what side the hardware sits on, while others may define it by the direction in which the door opens. There really is no industry standard.

The best way for you to determine what operator you need is to compare your hardware to the pictures we have on our site. Does everything face the same direction? What side are the pivots on? On what side has are the screws installed?

We may also be able to get it in bronze. Let me know which of our part numbers you're specifically interested in and we can work from there.
Handy Person

How much work/time/additional $ is it to get it in a black color to match the door?

Also I need the screws that go with the hinges, can you tell me which part number those are? Again are these standard? I have not removed any of mine, but here is a picture.

How many do I need? I would like to replace them all while I am at it. I count 8 holes in the hinge you suggest.
Tom from SWISCO
I'm afraid it's not available in black, but we can get it in dark bronze, if that's preferable. We will bring them in and let you know as soon as they're online and available for you to view!

They come with all the screws necessary for installation.
Tom from SWISCO
Alright, thank you for waiting. This hardware is now available in Dark Bronze.
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