Complete parts list for coil balance system?

Contractor from Lexington KY
Aug 28, 2012 10:48 am
I need to order coil balances. I know I need shoe #15-180, spring #S190-640 (2 for each shoe, I assume), clip #15-181, screw #33-072 (2 per shoe, right?).

My question is, how do I know what else I need to make a complete balance? I have a sample in front of me, but it may not be complete. Do I need bushings?
3 Replies
Paul from SWISCO
Aug 28, 2012 2:19 pm
Thanks for posting! Yes, I think that a bushing would be something to consider. Please see our 15-182 Balance Bushing. You may also want to look at our 15-186 Coil Balance Clip.
Tom from SWISCO
Aug 28, 2012 3:30 pm
It depends on what type of balance system you have. If you were to use, say, the 15-181 Double Support Clip, then you would need two coils, two bushings, two screws, etc. If you were using the 15-186 Coil Balance Clip, it'd just be one of each. What kind of system do you have? You'll have to compare your existing coil balance system to the parts suggested to see which would be the best match.
Contractor from Lexington KY
Aug 28, 2012 3:35 pm
Is that 2 bushings per balance?

Does a shoe, a clip, 2 screws, 2 springs and 1 or 2 bushings make a complete balance? Are there other parts I don't know about?

I'm glad that cars aren't sold this way.
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