Custom Balance Rods

S380 35" with 15-029 shoe replacing 3435 original rods. I think 3440 will do since you do not seem to have half sizes on window weight.
I need 8 of these.
S380 23" with 15-029 shoe replacing 2220 original rods.
I need 2 of these.
Thank you very much!

Thanks for contacting us! We can definitely supply these balances, though that 3435 stamp you gave us is very peculiar. That typically indicates an extra heavy duty spring. Rather than go with the 3440, I'd like you to tell me the exact weight of the sash those balances support. Custom balances can't be returned for a refund if anything is wrong, so it's best that we get that squared away before we go further.

For your S380-35 balance, you can use our 3440 because the weight range is 23 through 30 pounds.
As for the sash not coming out of the frame, sometimes when the builders install the windows, they jam the sides a little too tight and doesn't give the sash enough play to come out. You might be able to use a thin putty knife to work out one side of the sash. There's not really a trick to it, unfortunately, you just have to see if you can unjam it.

You got it! I'll email you three order links right now made to those specifications. Please let me know if you had any questions.