We need help finding the parts for the windows we added over 17 years ago. We believe they were purchased at Lowes.
The shoe measurements (the best I can get) 2 5/16"H 1 1/4" W No other markings on the shoe.
The pin only # is 1704. I couldn't find the odd shaped head.
Not sure if this helps for identifying the window.
As for the spiral balance - it is rectangular and is 1/2"W. The front sash is marked with 15 3 12OU CMC. The 1 could be and I and the O could be a zero. The outer sash is marked 14.3 I13U CMC
Thank you for your help.
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3 Replies
I am finally getting back to this project. By reading a post by Tom at SWISCO in 2013 I have found that I have a channel balance system. I was trying to use the spiral tension tool, but there is nothing to grab onto. I believe I have the 765 series, but I am not sure. I tried to what the replacement video, but it wasn't the same balance. I am attaching 2 photos so maybe you can guide me in this process. Thank you for your help again.
2 user uploaded images