Handle for the slider Silverline8802344228 model5800

Home Owner from Hanover massachusetts
Replacement for the handle ours doesn't lock anymore
3 user uploaded images
7 Replies
Casey from SWISCO


Take a look at the keyed 82-086 or non-keyed 82-089 handle sets. Both options have 3-15/16" mounting holes as shown below. Take a look and confirm your assembly has the same hole spacing. 

If the mortise lock in the center of the door is broken, we would need to see photos of that part as well to narrow down your options. Thank you! 

Dimensions for 82-086
Dimensions for 82-086

Dimensions for 82-089
Dimensions for 82-089

Home Owner from Hanover massachusetts
Ok to get at the mortiisse lock do I just take the plate with the hooks off? Because that's what isn't working the hooks don't go in and out anymore they are jammed. 
Casey from SWISCO

In that case, you can show us the mortise lock while it's still installed and we should be able to narrow down your options. 

Home Owner from Hanover massachusetts
I think this is what you mean. The top hook extends out but the bottom doesn't I pretty much need all new parts and I would need one with a key because it's our main door to get into the house 
1 user uploaded image
Casey from SWISCO

Great, take a look and compare the specifications of the 82-265 mortise lock to yours. This assembly is used with the 82-249 keeper. Just let us know if you need anything else. 

Alternate image for 82-265
Alternate image for 82-265

Home Owner from Hanover massachusetts
Thank you I appreciate it. You guys really were awesome to deal with fixing the problem. Hopefully it fits and saves me from my wife wanting a whole new door. 
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