This is a channel balance with a length of 32" (w/o guides), width of 1/2" and a depth of 9/16 " with hemmed channel edges. The numbers printed on the balance are
31 5 CX CMC 7
The top guide has a total length of 1 5/8", with a length of 1 9/16" from the bottom edge of the tab to the tip, the width of the tip is 9/16" and the width of the tabs 15/16", there is 13/16" of the tip exposed.
The bottom guide has a height of 1 1/8", width of 9/16" and a depth of 1" not including the thickness of the tabs. The width of the tabs is 15/16"
I hope I am providing enough information to identify a proper replacement, if not please let me know. Do you recommend replacing both sides at the same time?
Thank you,