I need this part identification

Quick Learner from Concord, NH
Can you see if this part is available through your

company. I can not find it online. The end has broken

off, so there is a plastic, hook shaped end. sorry I don't have

a good shot of that piece.

User submitted photos of a tilt latch.
5 Replies
Tom from SWISCO
Hey, Karrie. I'm not sure what this is. What is this used in? Is there any way we can see one that is undamaged? Maybe a few pictures of one installed would help, as well.
Quick Learner
Unfortunately I can not get my hands on one.
The only damaged part is the end piece which is a hook shaped piece. This is used to hold the window in and the rope balance goes around the hook part. I believe it is similiar to a CAM on newer windows.

Tom from SWISCO
That sounds like it could be similar to our 15-104, but I don't know for sure if that's what you need. Check it out and see what you think.
Quick Learner
Very similiar but the one I have does not have an open area and the hook is by itself on the end. It not a close enough match to work...


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