Installation of a S380 balance rod

Home Owner from Port Saint Lucie, Florida
Sep 14, 2010 1:03 pm
Please give me some instructions on the installation of my 380 series balance rod.I tried to install it on my own but could not get the hook on the rod to slide in correctly in the open slot on the side where the rod needs to hook and stay firmly in the original position.As a result of my effort, the rod stays at the bottom when the window is pushed up.Can you please help with some instructions. Thank you in advance. Perry
1 Replies
Casey from SWISCO
Sep 15, 2010 11:26 am
The problem may be the take out clip was not pushed back in. Take a look at the following guide: Channel Balance Installation Guide. The only difference from the balance shown in this guide to your Series 380 balance is that your balance has wings, the wings help keep the balance centered in the track and some windows have a track with flaps that the wings actually slip into.
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