Is part from older Amerimax vinyl windows

One looks like a pin, the other are springs

Hey there!
I recommend the 15-177 pivot shoe which uses the S152 coil balances. I know it's different from what you show here but it will still work for you. As for the pivot bar, have a look at the 26-316 and see if the specifications match what you're looking for.

Can you telll me what lbs it looks like

It looks like you have a different pivot bar in this photo. I'm reminded of the 26-226 but both pivot bars should be the same if they're in the same window. You may want to check an identical window in the house to confirm.
I can't make out any numbers on the springs, unfortunately. If there aren't any, you will have to weigh the window sash on a scale and divide the weight by the total number of springs in the window.