Is this a replacement for Dashwood 20755?

Quick Learner from Manitoba ,Canada

I have a window with a Dashwood window crank. The number on the arm of the crank shows 20755. When I enter this number into your system it shows your part number as 39-155. Is this correct. Also, I'm not clear on the charges at the Canadian border. Would you have an idea what the ground shipping cost with the brokerage would be?
6 Replies
Dave Sr.
Dave Sr. from SWISCO
Both of the 39-155 and 39-156 Caradco Window Cranks are stamped with 20755.

Be sure to choose the correct side, and note that handles and covers are sold separately.
Contractor from Lexington South Carolina
Can you help me identify my window cranks and hardware? 20755
Tom from SWISCO
Thanks for posting! I have placed you in an existing thread concerning the same operator marked 20755. As you can see, we have suggested that customers take a look at our 39-155 & 39-156 Caradco Window Cranks as substitute. Please compare them to your hardware and see if you think they will work for you!
Handy Person from New Hampshire
I need a CORADCO OPENER #20755. Please let me know the cost etc.
Thank you
Tom from SWISCO
If you notice above, you can see we have suggested that customers take a look at our 39-155 & 39-156 Caradco Window Cranks as substitute. Please compare them to your hardware and see if you think they will work for you!
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