Looking for Spiral Balances & Pivot Bars

Quick Learner
May 31, 2022 12:31 pm

Attached, please find the pictures of the balance spring/tilt mechanism parts I need for the window in my bathroom. I spoke to Chris this morning and he wanted to see this to clarify which parts I needed.

The pictures also don't show it but the balance spring is a white cap version not a red or blue one.

I need 2 balance springs that are 18" as well as 2 that are 13" and in the pictures it shows the springs are about 3/8" wide not the 5/8".

Also, I need 2 Tilt Window Sash Pivot Pins but I'm unsure of which version I need so I've attached multiple pictures showing the ones I have as they've been rusted. Any help in identifying which pins I need is greatly appreciated.
IMG_2722_thumb IMG_2724_thumb IMG_2726_thumb IMG_2727_thumb IMG_2728_thumb
5 user uploaded images
1 Replies
Casey from SWISCO
Jun 3, 2022 11:08 am


It sounds like you'll need the S900-18 and S900-13 spiral balances for tilt windows. Note that these are not available with white tips. You'll need to weigh your window sashes and follow the chart under the balance product descriptions to confirm the correct tip colors for your replacements. 

As for your pivot bar, unfortunately, the photos came through too blurry to identify your part. If you could resend clear photos of the part, we can go from there. Thank you. 

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