Looking for a window channel block and tackle balance

Home Owner from Hanover MD
Recently I had a window channel block and tackle balance give out. Unfortunately the windows don't have a make or model. They are tilt windows. The metal shaft is 36" long. I've attached photos of the ends. Please let me know if you need any others. Really hoping I can fix this!

Thank you!
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4 Replies
Tom from SWISCO

Hello, Dan. I'm pretty confident that I can help you get a replacement for this balance, but before I recommend anything I would like you to show me a photo of the pivot shoe at the bottom of the window. I think I might know what it is, but I don't want to make any assumptions at this stage.

Please let me know when you can get that for me. Thanks!

Home Owner from Hanover MD
Absolutely! Here it is. Thank you!
1 user uploaded image
Tom from SWISCO

Perfect, thank you! I am very confident that our Series 795 is exactly what you were looking for. There's just one catch, which is that pivot shoe you just showed me: the Series 795 comes with a 1-1/4" wide 15-195 by default, which has a closed cam (meaning it's solid in the back). Yours, however, appears to have a hole in the back, meaning it's the open cam style. 

That means you will want to purchase our 15-195B separately. These just pop on and off the balance, so you can clip this in place once you receive them. The video below shows you how.

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