Looking for correct T-shaped Tilt latch and the "catch" part for the window frame

Greetings. The tilt latches might be our 26-408; look over the dimensions listed in the pictures on the shop page to confirm. Now, the tilt latches help keep the window in place as well as enable you to tilt it inward, but they aren't what regulate the opening and closing of the window. It's the balances in the jamb track that do that, and if your window isn't staying open then they likely also need to be replaced.
It looks like you have Series 180 Coil Balances, which use that 15-087 Shoe and the 16-024 Mounting Bracket. The diagram below shows how this system is setup. The video below shows how to remove and replace a similar system. To know what spring weights you need, look for stamps on the coils. If there are none or you are unsure, give me the exact weight of this window sash and I can work it out for you.