Looking for replacement Window Balance Stamped 3190 35

Handy Person from Oakland
Window Balance is stamped 3190 35. 1/2" Wide. Plastic part appears to be broken off one of the ends.
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4 Replies
Emily from SWISCO


Your balance's top fitting is too damaged to identify. Would it be possible for us to see photos of an undamaged version of this balance? The video below will go into more detail. 

Handy Person from Oakland
From a different window. Slightly different model "3150"
4 user uploaded images
Emily from SWISCO

Thank you for getting back to us! If the windows are the same brand, it looks like your old balance could be a match for either the S380-32 or S385-32 depending on the depth of the bottom fitting. 

Comparison of the S380 and S385 balance shoes.
Comparison of the S380 and S385 balance shoes.

Regarding the 3190 35 stamped balance, this is an outdated stamp but the 35 might indicate the sash weight. If the sash indeed weighs 35 pounds, you could go with either the 3160 or 3165 stamps. A pair of balances with the 3160 stamp can support a sash weighing 32 to 35 pounds, and a pair of balances with the 3165 stamp can support a sash weighing 35 to 39 pounds. You can always weigh the window sash to confirm. 

For the 3150 stamped balance, you can choose the 3150 stamp option. 

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