My vinyl tilt windows don't stay up

It looks like your window uises S770 style balances with the 62-105 hook attached, which we can supply through a custom order. To get started, we'll need to know the exact weight of the sash the balances support to confirm the strength option needed for your balances.
As for the broken tilt latch, we'll need to see an intact version from another window to narrow down your options. Thank you!

I'm sorry but I'm not sure what you mean. If you're referring to replacing the internal spring and pulley, unfortunately, we are not able to do that since the balances are under a lot of tension. If the balances are older and no longer support the weight of the sash, you'll need to replace the entire balance on both sides.

It looks like you're showing the same balances and type of tilt latch as your original post above. If the sash the balances support weighs 14.7 pounds, you would need S770-28 (28B) custom balances with the 62-105 hook attached to support between 12-18 pounds. Just let us know if that is the case and we'll be happy to send over an order link for four balances.
As for the tilt latches, we can't be sure based on a damaged part but the 26-243 and 26-244 would be a good place to start. Take a look and compare the specifications below to an intact latch from one of your windows.

We just sent over an order link and price quote for the balances you requested. Keep in mind that the link does not include the tilt latches but they can be added to the same order directly from our website. Take a look and let us know if you need anything else.