Need casement hardware

Contractor from Wheat Ridge CO 80033
Arm is 12 inch. Condo built in 1984 Left hinge
2 user uploaded images
2 Replies
Emily from SWISCO

Thanks for contacting us. The 39-013 operator comes to mind. However, the arm is 13-1/2" long when measured from the gear's center to the roller's center. This also has a nylon roller but yours is cut off in your photo so we aren't certain this part is what you have. We recommend reviewing the specifications and comparing them with yours to see if they match up. If you notice any discrepancies, please let us know and we can go from there. 

As for the hinge, take a look at the specifications for the 36-048 and 36-049 and see if one of them aligns with your old hinge. You'll just want to replace the top and bottom hinges at the same time. 

Dimensions for 39-013
Dimensions for 39-013

Detail of 36-048
Detail of 36-048

Additional dimensions for 36-048
Additional dimensions for 36-048

Dimensions for 36-049
Dimensions for 36-049

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