Need help so I can order parts

Quick Learner
Jun 12, 2020 6:09 pm

Swissco. I have old storm windows with plastic hardware that keeps breaking. The company I used to use is no longer in business. I can do this myself. I just need help identifying the latches guides springs and corners. Plus help identifying the gasket material. It looks like there is yellow glue residue on the inside of the frame. The gasket material only fits in a grove and seals one side of the glass. Thanks! William

EA1C7ED5-40A4-4ED2-AEA3-044CCE6F98A4 DB7BA35B-6E59-4D49-B91C-4BEADA6B68BD 17F78020-9E4C-49FD-BC2D-CB35F4556B26 7330039E-95BE-455A-91A0-2BFD3450C260 F9BEE5DB-A090-4DD4-962A-741BDD4FC6D3
5 user uploaded images
4 Replies
Tom from SWISCO
Jun 17, 2020 8:59 am

Hello, William. I've picked out a variety of parts that may very well work for you, but in order to confirm you will need to carefully go over our dimensions to confirm they line up. Dimensions for storm window hardware can be very, very precise so it's important to review our measurements as carefully as you can.

That said, see our 91-010 and 91-011 slide latches, 95-233 corner, and then either the 95-190 or 95-191 pivot corner.

Please let me know if you had any questions!

Quick Learner
Jul 2, 2020 9:20 pm

Thanks much for looking at the parts. The latches and corner keys are exact. The pivot corners measurements are 1.5" in height, 9/64 wide, and 3/16 height. 95-191 looks good. The extension that fits into the track on my storm windows has an offset. Does that matter? If the offset does matter are 95-008 or 95-015 contenders? Also spline photos are included. They are 5/16 wide. Do you have a recommendation?
IMG_0781 IMG_0782 IMG_0783 IMG_0784 IMG_0785
5 user uploaded images
Quick Learner
Jul 2, 2020 9:23 pm


Is it possible to mail you the parts I need to replace to get the best match? I don't need them back. I can mail you the corner key, latch, piece of the spline, and swivel corner.

Happy 4th!


Tom from SWISCO
Jul 6, 2020 8:14 am

Hello, William. We're all working from home due to the quarantine. Unfortunately, that means we won't be able to review any samples you send in. That probably won't be something we can do until all this ends.

In the meantime, I can tell you that our 59-067 spline is the closest match we have to what you show here, though I cannot guarantee that it will work, since there are still some design differences.

Concerning the pivot, if your dimensions are 9/64" x 3/16", then the 95-008 is absolutely a contender. Less so the 95-0015 since it's not the same size.

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