Need spiral balancers and shoes

Handy Person from San Luis Obispo, CA
May 24, 2024 11:55 am
Hey this is Michael I'm a maintenance tech for a university. These are the original spiral balancers (with the black tip) and shoes (with the black slot) that I am trying to replace. Went to a local glass/window shop and they gave me these other ones (with the orange tip) and shoes (with the blue slot). Thought they would work but then they don't seem to be the right tip to attach to the shoe they gave me. Can you tell me what I need?

The original ones measure 28 inches long and 5/8 diameter.


IMG_0293 IMG_0295 IMG_0298 IMG_0299 IMG_0300
5 user uploaded images
1 Replies
Jasmine from SWISCO
May 28, 2024 10:04 am

Hi Michael,

Thanks for writing in to us! I'm sorry to hear of your experience with your local glass/window shop but I am confident we can get you set up with the right replacements for your repairs. 

Given the diameter, length, and top color from your existing balances, you'll need the S600-28 Spiral Tilt Window Balance with a black tip option. This balance can support a sash weighing 31 to 40 lbs.

This spiral balance is compatible with a few different types of shoes. Since yours has a black cam, there is a chance the 15-047 Pivot Shoe may be the replacement you need but you'll need to be sure to carefully compare the dimensions. 

The other compatible shoes are the 15-015 and the 15-046. The most important difference being the thickness of each shoe. Their dimensions can be found on the website.

Alternate image for 15-047
Alternate image for 15-047

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