Need two bottom and two top pieces (with the wheels)

Handy Person from NY
I have a Manhattan manufactured glass with metal frame (gold) Whower door (two doors that slide and two panels that are stationary) and I have an issue with one of the doors. I need both the top see the two pictures included each have a place to screw into the door and two wheels and two bottom bracket holders (see picture included) these bottom brackets also screw into the bottom and they hold the bottom of the door in the track while the top two with the wheels allow the glass door to slide within the track.
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3 Replies
Tom from SWISCO

Thanks for posting. Your roller looks like our 10-075. As for the bracket, we don't carry it at the moment but we're currently working on a possible replacement that we will add to our catalog soon. I will let you know as soon as it becomes available for you to review.

Tom from SWISCO

Thanks again for waiting. Please see our new 10-077, 10-078, and 10-079. I think you'll find these match your brackets quite well.

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