Parts for non-tilt Atrium Windows

Home Owner from Fort Collins, Colorado
I need a 1/2" wide channel balance, 28 inches long for a non-tilt Atrium window. I need the shoe and top attached. I think the part I need is a Product Code: S380-28. Do you think that is correct? I also need a take out clip and a top sash guide and don't know what parts to get for the ones pictured. The number that is stamped on the old channel balance is 2740. Thanks for your help.
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4 Replies
Tom from SWISCO

Good afternoon! For the take out clip and top sash guide, check out our 16-002 and 18-008, respectively. Do these look good to you?

As for the balance, it's hard to tell if the Series 380 is what you have without knowing what bottom shoe that is. Take a look at our 15-004 and 15-005 and tell me which has closer dimensions.

Comparison of the S378, S380 and S385 balance shoes.
Comparison of the S378, S380 and S385 balance shoes.

Home Owner from Fort Collins, CO
The 16-002 take out clip and the 18-008 sash guide look good to me. Also,it looks like the upper photo of the bottom shoe of the balance matches my dimensions the best. Is that a 15-0004? Would that still be a Series 380? Thanks for your help.
Tom from SWISCO
Yes, the top picture in the post above is the 15-004, which goes to our Series 385 channel balance.
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